Staying Safe 2022
Staying Safe in 2022
Providing a safe and enjoyable stay has remained our priority as we enter 2022. When we were able to reopen back in July 2020 we set out to achieve this by making sensible but proportionate changes to the way that we operate. The feedback we receive from our guests remains very positive and we may even retain some of the changes that have surprised us by benefitting our guests beyond reasons of COVID safety.
We will of course continue to respond to guidance as it evolves but above all your holiday has to be fun, so changes made to date have been implemented carefully and with consideration, adapting positively to allow you to have the best possible holiday experience whilst keeping you and all your family safe.
We have been especially aware that we need to consider those families with children with additional needs. Any change can be confusing and cause anxiety so we will make sure we provide new social stories to support you and make all changes sensitively.
We will continue to adhere to guidance from the UK Government Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and can confirm that the following measures were taken and are been maintained:-
Risk Assessments
- Produced a thorough COVID-19 risk assessment for all areas of the farm in accordance with Health and Safety Executive guidance. We have already shared this with our whole team and are providing appropriate training with them to ensure new cleaning measures will be carried out correctly.
- As part of an assurance scheme we completed the `AA COVID Confident` assessment which requires businesses to provide their risk assessments and confirmation that the many requirements for opening for business were completed. We also completed a similar scheme by Visit England and have been certified as `Good To Go`
- We have re-designed our childrens farm enabling us to provide a simple and safer one way system reducing contact points (other than with the animals!) enabling us to support social distancing recommendations.
- We will continue to provide twice daily feeding sessions, we will achieve social distancing through the use of simple allocated time slots to prevent congestion. Detailed information will be sent out prior to arrival.
- Donkey rides and Activity of the Day sessions will continue in a reduced format to allow us to maintain social distancing. Detailed information will be sent out prior to arrival. Click for a larger pdf version of the map below.
- Hand-washing and hygiene procedures. This has ALWAYS been such a key part of our farm holidays and hand wipes (hospital grade) and washing facilities have always been available. New wall mounted alcohol based hand sanitiser dispensers will now also be located at convenient points around the farm as well as outside each cottage (please take a look at our site layout for their location). Our childrens farm hand washing station will be re-fitted with non touch sensor taps. Washing your hands is a simple yet important measure we must all do. Please ensure you and your family wash (or sanitise) your hands regularly and before touching surfaces – for your safety and that of staff and other guests.
- Because some items in your cottage will be very difficult to keep clean, we will temporarily remove the following:-
- Non essential soft furnishings
- All books/games(available from the games room but must be returned for cleaning and not left in your cottage on departure)
- Guest information folder to be removed and replaced by a downloadable digital version (sent out prior to arrival) or laminated sheets that can be easily cleaned
- Our welcome and show-in will remain as a welcome in the courtyard (respecting social distancing) then directing you to your cottage where you will be left to enter on your own. As we would normally show you around your cottage we will produce a `welcome video tour` which we hope you will watch prior to your arrival (details will be sent out prior to your arrival).
Deep cleaning and disinfecting
- Our cleaning standards have always been high. In addition to adhering to the regulations for cleaning in non-healthcare settings, issued by the UK Government, we also comply with specific Covid-19 cleaning protocols as part of the Visit England Certification scheme.
- All cleaning products will comply with BS EN 1276. Quite simply- many products claim to kill 99.9% of the germs, however products with the BS EN 1276 certification kill 99.999% of the germs (known as a 5-log reduction). In addition our cottages will each be 'Fogged' to hospital grade standard between every stay prior to our cleaning staff starting work. You can find a copy of our new cleaning plan here.
- Our experienced housekeeping staff will be provided with appropriate PPE and premium cleaning products. Busy areas around the farm will be also be cleaned with enhanced frequency.
Social Distancing
- Where possible, staff and guests at the farm should maintain two metres distance. Our farm benefits from lots of outdoor space so hopefully this will be very easy to maintain.
- There will be engaging signage around the site to encourage good practice without it becoming overwhelming.
- Please do not invite another guest in to your cottage or hot tub.
- The UK Chief Medical Officer has stated that the risk is substantially reduced when outdoors, to enable families to benefit from this we have produced a list of 22 open space ideas which you can find on our March 18th News Page.
- To help implement social distancing requirements, our Games Room will be limited to two families at a time with hand sanitiser available both outside the entrance as well as inside. Please help us make this work by popping back if the games room is busy and being considerate by not spending too long in there.
- Our under 7's indoor Playbarn is temporarily closed (we do hope to open this in the Spring). We will continue to provide bespoke toy truggs (one for each cottage) to any children under 7 so that they do not miss out on the fun! The toy truggs are free of charge and are for you to keep in your cottage for the duration of your stay. We will collect them on the night before your departure so they can be sanitised before being re-used.
- Our laundry room will remain open but only one person at a time please. We have positioned a hand sanitiser at the door and have provided cleaning products for you to wipe down surfaces and equipment once you've finished.
- Hot tubs will remain operational, cleaned thoroughly prior to your arrival and checked twice daily as normal. Chlorine is a very effective disinfectant against COVID but we would ask that you do not invite any other guests or their children to share your hot tub.
- Out door play areas will remain open and cleaned regularly. We would ask that you supervise young children at all times and ensure they either use the alcohol hand sanitiser provided or wash their hands prior to/following use of the equipment. Risks are substantially reduced out doors.
- As mentioned, our welcome tour will be slightly different which we will make possible by the production of a `welcome video tour` of each cottage.
- We will still carry out our hot tub instruction (maintaining social distance).
- Your welcome pack of either local Elderflower fizz/apple juice and cream tea will be waiting for you as always.
- Our shopping deliveries will still be possible although due to cleaning pressures please ensure that you are here to receive and unpack your own shopping. With delivery slots in short supply you may find it easier to bring your own shopping.
- Our local Farm Box service offering fruit and veg as well as produce from local farms will still be available as a service. These can be ordered for delivery prior to your arrival or for during your stay.
The evening before your departure:-
- We will come to your cottage to collect your trugg of toys (please help us by ensuring all toys are returned in the trugg) and drop off an extra dishwasher tablet and bin bag (if needed).
- We will also drop off a laundry bag for you to use. Our new cleaning protocols mean that we will need you to strip your bedding and place all laundry in the bag provided. Please leave the bag near to front door in your cottage for us to collect once you leave.
- We will remind you to leave your windows open (slightly if raining) when you leave to allow the cottage to air before being cleaned.
- Please (as usual) take all rubbish to the bins in the car park and remove all perishables
- Finally and this is very important due to time constraints, we will need you to completely fill your dishwasher with not only your breakfast items but also (if space permits) with clean items from the kitchen as we need to wash every single item in the kitchen before our next guests arrive. Your help would be really appreciated with this.
If You Feel Unwell
- If before you start your journey to us or during it you feel unwell with COVID-19 symptoms then please let us know and take a lateral flow test and either stay at home or return home dependent on the outcome of the test.
- If you feel unwell during your stay with us then we will require you to stay in your cottage and take a lateral flow test. If the result comes back positive then contact us by phone and return home as North Devon only has one hospital and may be unable to cope with any extra demand. If you require a topup of fuel for your car to avoid stopping at a petrol station we will fill a jerry can and top up your car at no cost.
Cancellation Insurance
- Please take a moment to consider if you are happy to cover any losses you may incur if you have to cancel your holiday due to COVID-19 illness/quarantine. We have seen a general rise in cancellations due to this and would always help where we can, though this is not always possible. Please take a look at our news post which explains the difficulties the sector face due to cancellations.
Throughout this process we have been aware that if we have removed a facility we will try and replace it with an alternative where we can. We have also been certain that this has to be workable and fun. We believe we have achieved our goals and hope our changes will meet with the approval of you all and that you will understand the need for these changes and support us.
Further details relating to your stay will be sent out to all our families prior to arrival.
We look forward to seeing you all and are determined to provide a fabulous 'safe' holiday experience!