Special Offers


Early bird 2025/2026 offer - Book a magical Christmas or New Year Break

We wanted to let you know about our our magical Christmas break with a special Nativity and visit from Farmer Christmas. 

If New Year's eve celebrations are your thing then come and join us for a New Years break full of fun including welly wanging and a conga around the courtyard Christmas tree to welcome in the New Year.

** Enjoy a SPECIAL OFFER ** 

Full Week Breaks - £100 off using discount code CNY2025

  • Christmas from 20th - 27th December (bookable now)
  • New Year breaks from 27th December (bookable now)

NB. Only one discount can be used per booking.

Sneak a peek at our Christmas and New Year celebrations

Special Breaks

Our seasonal special breaks are a great time to come to the farm and explore North Devon.


A great time to come and help bottle feed our lambs.  Initially fed 4 times a day there's plenty of opportunity to get involved.  As they get a little older we take them on walks - lambs on leads.


Throughout the school summer holiday we run weekly bat walks and Free Rangers activity sessions.  A great opportunity to get a little closer to nature and have fun at the same time.


Halloween with our very own Witch Grizelda who presides over the judging of the pumpkin carving entry's from our guests.  Better make it really spooky!


Our bonfire weekend

Great fun getting the children to help make the Guy, decorating him with fantastic firework designs before he meets with a very sticky end upon the bonfire.  Poor chap!

NB. Because we have animals this is a firework free event.

Our pre-Christmas weekend

Come and join us at the beginning of December to help get you in the mood for Christmas or to give you a break from the hours of Christmas shopping you've already done.  Either way it's a good way to prepare yourself for the big day.


Our Nativity at the farm is a magical time for children and grownups alike.  Everyone is welcome to take part in our children's Nativity with Mary being brought in on one of our donkeys, the Angel and Star to name just a few.  With a visit from Farmer Christmas who gives each child a special gift.... if they've been good!

New Year

With a Welly wanging competition on New Year Eve to get everyone in the mood, we welcome in the New Year with our traditional conga around the Christmas Tree.

Availability Calendar

1 Available Check-in Day
1 Available (but not a check in date)
1 Booked (Not Available)