The Environment
We are all becoming more aware of the need to conserve energy and care for our planet. Here at North Hayne Farm we are committed to help encourage our young visitors become environmentally aware. Working together with Plastic Free North Devon we are helping to achieve this so whether it's joining in with an organise beach clean, reducing plastic usage whilst on holiday, looking after mini bugs that help us in the garden or switching lights off that aren't needed, we support all efforts no matter how large or small.
It's fun too! Encourage children to become a `Mini Recycler` by conserving energy/water, recycling waste and earn a `Green Farm` sticker. Borrow a special Beach Bag from reception and see how much plastic rubish you can collect in just 2 minutes (the children really love this!), have a go at our Marli's plastic free challenge and see how much you already know about plastics or join in with our Free Rangers school holiday club and learn how to care for nature; there is something for all age groups and for all family members.
Learn about the important role insects play in our lives by becomming a `Bug Detective`. Come to reception for one of our mini investigator kits and start your search for mini beasts and their habitat while learning some fun facts.
For our 'bat fans' dont forget that bat talks and bat walks take place each week between April and September so come along (no charge) and learn more about these facinating and precious creatures.